Bandages & socks

MedoVital offers a comprehensive range both in the area of supportive bandages and also in the case of supporting stockings.
This requirement is ideally fulfilled for joints that require special support due to wear and excessive strain by means of the MedoVital bandages. Using bandages equipped with additional magnets the microcirculation of the blood is stimulated meaning the damaged joint is always supplied with a sufficient amount of oxygen.
We have developed support stockings and socks that guarantee improved blood circulation.


Yamamoto 24 magnet elbow cuff

The elbow cuff provides support and ensures improved blood circulation.


Yamamoto 32 magnet knee guard

The blood circulation is stimulated and the support is improved.


Yamamoto 8 magnet ankle brace

Provides the necessary support and assists the natural foot movement.


Yamamoto 50 magnet waist-belt

On cold days for the sensitive kidney region, with 50 magnets for optimum blood circulation.


Diabetic ankle socks

Seamless and light ankle socks that are specially developed for diabetics.


Compression stockings

Compression stockings improve the blood circulation and relieve varicose veins and edema.